The Indian Public School ensures equitable placement of new students after their arrival on campus after admission. This ensures fairness to the four houses namely Aravalli , Nilgiri, Shivalik and Vindhyachal.
Once a student enters the house, he is shifted to the hostel allocated to his house.There are four hostels; Subhash, Veer Savarkar, S.P.Sinha and Rani Lakshmi Bai. Girl students are housed in Rani Lakshmi Bai that is as spacious as the other hostels, and aesthetically designed and located amidst the green and serene surroundings of the campus.
Each house has sufficient space for more than 80 students, but at present, the strength varies from 60 to 65 students. This allows enough space for everyone.
Each house is under the charge of a House Master who is responsible for the well-being of the students. He is assisted by the warden of the house, and the tutors under whose charge there are a few students. He is a faculty member attached to the house to look after the academic progress of the students and their overall requirements and well-being at the hostel and the school. He like the House Master, remains in touch with parents and ensures that students under his charge, talk once a week to their respective parents.
Students compete for their house in Inter-house activities. They are charged by the motto of their house