Art is one of the highest forms of expression, a language that we speak, cutting through individual differences in culture and ability. Art brings every subject to life and turns abstractions into concrete reality. At The IPS, the Art & Craft classes give an opportunity to a child to express his/her innate sense of aesthetics. These classes provide every student an opportunity to explore his/her artistic side, be it painting, origami, oil on canvas, or something as simple & unique as paper craft.
At The IPS, Music & Dance are believed to be the expression of the soul. We focus on basic lessons of Music & dance. This curriculum focuses on children learning basic music notes, basic dance movements which enable incredible coordination. At the same time, these coordinated activities foster close relationships. Our students are introduced to both Indian and Western music, vocal as well as instrumental. All kinds of Dance forms like Indian, contemporary, and the like, are introduced to children. Our students opt for Music as their subject at secondary and senior secondary levels