

The Indian Public School is a purely residential school in which sporting and allied activities are conjoined with the syllabus in such a way that students remain fruitfully busy throughout the term time. Life at the boarding school tends to be regimented as deadlines have to be met and backlogs to be completed. A healthy, instructive and enjoyable distraction is very much needed intermittently, so that monotony does not set in. That is why a large number of activities adorn the calendar of each session.

Under the umbrella of outdoor activities, tours and trekking occupy a higher place as everyone looks forward to it. Every year besides outings, educational tours and treks are undertaken to provide important exposure to students so that they learn through experience how to go about as a team in a setting unfamiliar to them. They learn to cooperate with each other and how to conduct themselves when they are on their own. Excursions are healthy learning experience for impressionable minds and packed with entertainment. These treks and tours are hard to forget and in the course of time become cherished memories.

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