A blend of modern education and Gurukul


dmit your child into the best education systems in India.
School days – the very thought of it evokes cherished memories and reprised dreams in us. The enjoyment and experiences people had in their school days are irreplaceable. Those beautiful and innocent times will never come back.

Don’t we all wish our children had the same happy childhood that we did? Don’t we want them to enjoy school as much as we did?

Look for good schools across India and ensure that your child is imparted the best education available. In ancient times, the popular and sacrosanct ‘Gurukul’ system of education was followed – where the guru and the pupil stayed under one roof, sharing space and learning together. It served a dual purpose – under the aegis of the guru, the pupil learned discipline and being in proximity of education, they gained theoretical as well as practical knowledge.

The gurukul system of education was a hit. With modernity and western culture, the system got diluted and replaced with western schools. However, despite the mass scale cultural dilution, there are still a few schools in India that follow the gurukul mode with the right blend of modern education technique – making the growing and learning child experience the best of both worlds.

Famous educationists and academicians have co-founded top co-educational boarding schools in India, which focus on the overall development of a child. The faculties of a young person is at a developing stage – they are curios and their minds are always racing in search of something new. If fed at the right time and in the right manner, the thirst of children will be suitably quenched and they will emerge as winners in their respective fields.

In these Top Boarding Schools, focus is placed on mental, educational as well as physical growth of the child.

For growth and physical strength, nutritious meals are served in an ambient environment that promotes appetite. To broaden the horizons of knowledge, the experienced faculty and at times, the visiting faculty does it bit. Outdoor events, activities, competitions etc. go a long way in helping students imbibe organisational excellence which serves them better to address futuristic challenges. In this way their holistic development is ensured.

When you are looking for a school for your child, it's important to research thoroughly. Many schools organize day-long tours where you can observe a typical school day. During these visits, you can spend time in the common room, visit classrooms, tour the library, grounds, and gym, inspect the sports equipment and dispensary, and interact with various faculty members and students. Only through a thorough examination of the school will you be able to decide whether it is the right place for your child.

Admitting a child to a boarding school is a tough decision. However, with the assurance that the school will care for your child as much as you would at home, you can place your trust in the institution. With hot and nutritious meals, care and concern from the matron, a disciplined lifestyle, and facilities for physical development, your child will be happy and content with school life. So much so that they might not want to come back home! Consult your peers and look for the top boarding schools in India to get your little one admitted to the best school now!

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